Noneless – A Vow of Silence

The first album by „Noneless” from Australia dives into unexplored musical depths. It’s a very interesting piece that shows ingenuity and curiosity in sound design that’s often lacking in nowadays productions. But not here. Definitely not!

With “A vow of Silence” you get everything but not silence. Instead, the album features tons of influences from other genres, mixed with partially ethnic sounding vocal samples, garnished with hectic percussions. The textures are rich and range from abstract atmospheres to very harsh noisescapes. Some tracks stick out due to their ear pleasing qualities, others because they attack your eardrums and show no mercy.

All in all it’s a great album that especially appeals to breakcore lovers with a delicate taste in advanced sound design. It’s unique, it’s rough, and most of all it’s very emotional! And best of of all. It’s cheap, for only 5 Euros you’re in 😉

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