T!LT – Afterhecht 2018 @ Falllout, Dresden (Vinyl Mix)

After years of complaining about Breakcore, T!LT finally found the time to play his definition of Breakcore. And to be honest, that’s amazing. I know him for nearly 10 years by now and he never played anything like this. That was an amazing party, glad I was able to witness his definition! Shit, don’t miss on that one. Luckily there actually is a recording 🙂

There’s no particular tracklist, but at least of list of played artists:
Stunt Rock, Disruptor, Doormouse, Istari Lasterfahrer, Electric Kettle
Eiterherd, .π.r.o, Otto von Schirach, iK+, Parasite, Selector Catalogue,
DJ Skar, Die Sekte, Surprise 028, DJ /Rupture, Matchbox jump & jeepbeats, Venetian Snares,
Aphex Twin,Ed Cox, Ashtar DxD

Btw. This is actually our 100th post. Thanks for your patience! We know that we should post content on a more regular basis. But it takes time…. Anyway, at least in early October I will be able to dedicate some more of my time towards caring for this blog! Cheers and have a lovely afternoon!

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