Nihil Fist – DJ-set @ Fuckparade’23

Here’s a live recording of Nihil Fist’s DJ set at Fuckparade 2023. Obviously, it’s noisy as hell and for those of you who dig Speed- and Splittercore. Definitely not for the faint-of-hearted, but it’s Nihil Fist, so what else would you expect 🙂 Nihil Fist · Nihil Fist – DJ-set @ Fuckparade'23


Nekrolog1k has always been a splendid address for hard electronic music. For a Hong Kong Violence party, label owner Ak-Industry played a set to remember. It’s been on heavy rotation for quite some time here and is a must have for industrial lovers. The track selection is magnificent and shows the diversity of Hardcore. Nekrolog1k Recordings · AK-INDUSTRY @ HONG KONG VIOLENCE IN SEDAN (Neks BDAY Bash)


There is no doubt that AI penetrates everything nowadays and music is no exception to that. But this of course can mean so much. AI as a tool offers many new interesting approaches to music creation. This can lead to many results, but in the end we are here for the weird shit. So that’s why you get weird shit. Martsman provides us with one excellent example to show you how far you can go already. For this release Martsman used Realtime Audio Variational autoEncoder (RAVE). Briefly explained, you feed music to RAVE and it learns from it. The program […]